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The Ottawa Hospital’s new campus will be built on a 50-acre site bordered by Carling Avenue, Preston Street, and Prince of Wales Drive, near Dow’s Lake in Ottawa.

In February 2024, The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) signed a Development Phase Agreement where TOH, IO, The Ottawa Hospital Build Partners and the Ontario Ministry of Health will work collaboratively to finalize the design, pricing and schedule of what will become one of Canada’s most modern, accessible and sustainable academic and acute care hospitals.

Construction crews have been busy on the site of The Ottawa Hospital’s new campus since spring 2023.   

Excavation on the portion of the site where the parking garage will be built is complete. Through summer 2024, the parking garage will begin to take shape in earnest as crews install large precast concrete elements on the site.

Beginning June 21, TOH’s construction teams will need to access the Trillium Line LRT trench. Construction crews will endeavor to complete as much work as possible during regular hours. However, some overnight work will be required and has been approved by the City of Ottawa. Crews will make every possible effort to limit noise overnight.

Throughout the project, TOH is working closely with arborists to preserve as many trees as possible. Because some trees will have to be removed due to construction, a tree conservation plan was developed with input by arborists and in consultation with the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission and with TOH’s master site plan approved by the City of Ottawa.  

New Campus Development Milestones

November 2022: RFP issued for main hospital​

Spring 2023: Start of parking garage construction​

Fall 2023: RFP closes for main hospital​

2024/2025: Construction of Central Utility Plant​

2024/2025: Construction begins on main hospital​ ​

2025/2026: Construction of parking garage complete ​

2028/2029: Construction of main hospital complete​